Thursday, January 31, 2013


Spinach has been a key ingredient lately. Sometimes the co op carries a large bag of's just so packed full of spinach that I don't pick it up because I'm afraid I won't use it all...and I'll feel wasteful.

However, I found the following recipes!

Green Monster Hummus from Namely Marly

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1 can chick peas
1/4 cup tahini
1 t garlic powder
1-2 T lemon juice
1 T Bragg (an alternative to soy sauce)
1/2 c water
1/4 c olive oil
1 t salt
1 t dried oregano
1 t dried basil
2 c raw spinach

1. Pour all hummus ingredients into a food processor and pulse until well-combined.
2. Scrape down the sides of the food processor bowl and then process until you achieve a fine consistency.
3. Pour the hummus into a serving bowl and garnish with olive oil, pine nuts, and sliced black olives. Serve with pita bread or your favorite crackers.

Another great spinach recipe is this green smoothie. The blogger says it is a great smoothie for during pregnancy, but this healthy smoothie would be great for anyone - pregnant or not. :-) (And no, I am not pregnant!)

image source

*Crushed ice
*Water/{Orange} juice
*{Mixed} frozen fruit

Pop these in the blender and voila! I usually add 1/2 a cup of Greek yogurt for the protein as well as some milk or soy milk. I know it may sound weird to add spinach to a smoothie, but you can seriously hardly taste it! 

In light of the new year and the popular resolution of getting healthier, we have been using these recipes quite often and enjoying them quite a bit.

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