Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Cup of This, a Tablespoon of That

It's nice being back at the seminary and being able to use the grocery co op - especially after living in the Chicago area for a year! The food co op is basically a grocery store for seminary families. There are many items available, everything from pasta and bread to onions and potatoes, milk and cheese.

Lately I've been busy striving to utilize the co op as much as possible. That goal has led me to the following recipes:

[image source]

Cream of Sweet Potato Soup was definitely a hit! I paired it with a yummy cheesy bread and fresh green beans. This soup also tastes delicious with some feta cheese sprinkled on top. Very filling.

[image source]

Curried Acorn Squash Soup was another good soup. To be honest, I liked the sweet potato one better, but this one was okay. Actually, if I had bacon like the recipe suggested the soup probably would have been just as yummy as the other! This soup was also paired with fresh green beans, feta cheese crumbles and a yummy bread.

When I made these soups on Tuesday I doubled or tripled the recipe so that they'd last through the week. I think I've decided that Tuesdays (food co op day) will be my cooking day. If I make a big enough batch I'll put some in the freezer for those days when I don't feel like cooking or if we have guests over and need another side dish or additional main dish.

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