Isaac also had pears for the very first time last weekend! He was not enjoying his cereal anymore, so one of his great-grandmas said (saraphrased), "I got all of the grandkids and great-grandkids fruit for Halloween instead of candy. I got Isaac baby food. Want to try mixing in some pears or bananas?" He loved it!

One of the fun parts of the weekend was getting to see all of the cute critters again. :-) Bo is cautiously wanting to sniff Isaac's foot. Sonny is posing handsomely for the camera.

Saturday evening we had a bonfire. The weather was great! A bit overcast, cool and the rain waited until later to grace us with its presence. We roasted hot dogs and s'mores and enjoyed other goodies as well. We've had Isaac's first bonfire planned for months.

Good-byes were hard...but we're all looking forward to the next visit!

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