Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moving Tips

Hello there, fellow movers!

Whether you are moving to and from your vicarage or to your call, take a peek at these helpful moving links!

Everything from a moving timeline (what timeline? ;-)) to how to pack kitchen ware (don't forget that handy dandy pan from the co op!), this link's checklist is for you:


{P.S.As of today,  40 days until we know where we're moving.}

Thursday, March 10, 2011

9 Boxes

As of today we have now packed 9 boxes.

We will lose count eventually as we excitedly get closer to May 2nd. May 2nd is when we will receive our year long vicarage assignment, which will direct us as to when and where we shall move beginning this summer.

Blessings in Christ,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog Title's Inspiration

O blessed Light, O Trinity, O everlasting Unity: as now the fiery sun departs, send forth Your light into our hearts.

To You our morning song of praise, to You our evening prayer we raise; we praise Your light in every age, the glory of our pilgrimage.

All glory be to God above and to the Son, the Prince of love, and to the Spirit, One in Three! We praise You, blessed Trinity.
{LSB 890}

Adam & Sarah