Monday, January 14, 2013

Wait - Where am I?

Wait - where am I?

I've asked myself that a few times lately. For example, I'm in Wal-mart and try to find pretzels. I push my squeaky cart to where I think they'll be...and they're not there. Ohh, that's right. The pretzels are in this area at the other Wal-mart.

Or I'm in Barnes and Noble, turn and walk towards the cafe and expect the bathrooms to be to the right. Nope. Not at this Barnes and Noble - I was confused with a different Barnes and in a different state.

Or ponder the idea of visiting the local animal shelter to browse at kitties, I'll just pop on over there after going to Target, because the shelter is just down the road from Target. No, that's in a different city than Fort Wayne. Not here.

Driving down a main road in town I look to my left and recognize a friend. I get excited...but then realize that she is from Chicagoland. She doesn't live here. It's not her. It just looks like her.

When we got home from Christmas vacation I forgot how to operate our bathtub faucet.

Moving every year for the past several years gets confusing.

Maybe someday...someday I'll remember what is where and who lives where.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, totally understand how that goes! I've actually found the interior of Targets the easiest to navigate--they seem to keep the layouts of their stores relatively consistent. Walmart is just a nightmare no matter where you live. :)
